The Petersham Pot Belly

We love our food, and we cook a lot, so have a look at some of our favourite dishes!

We will drop in tips for cooking up delicious meals with fresh ingredients that you don't have to pay a fortune for!

We buy most of our produce in the Marrickville area. So watch the links for where to source some great local produce!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hannah's Croq a Vin

Now this photo just doesn't do this hearty winter classic justice.

Hannah whipped this up one chilly evening and it was absolutely amazing. A more soupier version of the french classic. Hannah also used smoked leg ham instead of bacon and we sopped it up with the most creamy garlicky mash!

A winter winner I am looking forward to having for years!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Toast with Tomatoes and Ricotta

This may seem pretty boring, but this was a delicious and super quick breakfast, that makes you feel like you are having a cafe brekky at home.

Pan fried grape/cherry tomatoes and pine nuts with a bit of olive oil. Then splashed some balsamic vinegar with a bit of honey til they went all caramelly and relish like. Then when the toast and coffee was ready threw in some basil. Spread ricotta and topped with the sweet and sour tomatoes. This smelt and tasted amazing.