The Petersham Pot Belly

We love our food, and we cook a lot, so have a look at some of our favourite dishes!

We will drop in tips for cooking up delicious meals with fresh ingredients that you don't have to pay a fortune for!

We buy most of our produce in the Marrickville area. So watch the links for where to source some great local produce!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Strawberry stuffed Brioche French Toast

Saw Bill Grainger do this with nectarines and thought strawberries would be a great subsitute in winter.

So I headed around the corner to Sweet Belem who have brioche and fresh portugese bread on weekends. Hannah stuffed the thick brioche slices with sliced strawberry and left them to coat and soak in the egg, milk and a dash of vanilla extract.

Slowly fried off with a lid on, then left to cook in an oven for about 10 minutes to really cook through and the strawberry to stew a bit.
This was amazing! served with fresh strawberries and a drizzle of maple syrup. More a dessert than a breakfast...but who's complaining!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I have been cooking a few paella's this year and am loving it. It's not as hard as I thought and actually much quicker and easier than risotto.

This was the first I tried in a new paella I had never cooked one this big before, so the rice got a bit burnt in the middle. But the flavours were fantastic!

This was with chicken, chorizo, and topped with fresh prawns. I can't wait to try this again and get it right!

Served this with a side of grilled haloumi with pear and mint!