The Petersham Pot Belly

We love our food, and we cook a lot, so have a look at some of our favourite dishes!

We will drop in tips for cooking up delicious meals with fresh ingredients that you don't have to pay a fortune for!

We buy most of our produce in the Marrickville area. So watch the links for where to source some great local produce!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2010 A Bread Odyssey.

2010 has definitely been the year for bread baking and I must say I am loving it. Here are some samples of the regular loaves being baked. A spelt fruit loaf - using mixed spices (cinnamon, allspice, clove and nutmeg) dried apple, fig, cranberry and walnuts. Delicious and a great museli replacement for brekky!

Tried Pizza dough and few times and it has come out great! Kept the base on the thin, but not to thin size as I like a bit of crust. These were great!

Also tried baguettes - which were great. I think the dough recipe I am using (Jamie's Basic) is most suited to these actually.

This herbed knotted roll and dinner rolls were made with some left over dough and they were great!

We haven't bought bread in months now! Nothing beats fresh bread!

1 comment:

Zio Ren said...

Hey Marco & Hannah, Thanks for posting these fabulous recipes. Bread, I LOVE IT! Keep up the great work and we can't way to bake some, yum, yum. Love, Zio Ren & Zia Carol xxxx