The Petersham Pot Belly

We love our food, and we cook a lot, so have a look at some of our favourite dishes!

We will drop in tips for cooking up delicious meals with fresh ingredients that you don't have to pay a fortune for!

We buy most of our produce in the Marrickville area. So watch the links for where to source some great local produce!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Curry Baked Snapper

Now we are in the middle of winter, we are craving warm, comfort food but trying to stay healthy at the same time - so satisfying those cravings can be tricky. But this dish tonight was delicious, comfort food, perfect for a chilly night. It came together in no time. I seared the snapper in a big wok, seasoned it with salt, pepper, cumin and tumeric, then took it out of the wok and chucked it in a roasting tin. Then in the wok, I quickly whipped up a light tomato based curry sauce. Lightly fried, onions, garlic, ginger, red pepper, coriander stalks, chilli, tumeric, cumin, garam masala, a few cardarman pods and because this wasn't going to stew for ages, I chucked in some fish sauce, oyster sauce a cup of vegie stock to help it along. Then once that was all simmering nicely, I poured it over the fish and chucked it in the oven to stew for bout an hour. We had this with brown rice and a great refreshing, cucumber and mint salad Hannah whipped up with a great asian dressing and dry fried sesame and sunflower seeds! This was a memorable winters meal!


Anonymous said...

Grande!!!!! You two are in a league of your own. I can smell in the aromas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can make a special request when I stay at Petersham Pot Belly in September? xxxxx

Marco and Hannah said...

Mmm yes, I think we can organise a special package just for you!